Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT)

Dr. Roberts lecturing on bio-identical hormone replacement for fellow physicians' continuing education.

Dr. Roberts lecturing on bio-identical hormone replacement for fellow physicians' continuing education.

Tired of feeling old and rationalizing those aches and pains as part of the aging process? Frustrated with being told that some symptoms are psychological or should be treated with prescription drugs? Even those who prescribe hormone therapy are often taught to use one-size-fits-all approaches that can sometimes exacerbate, not regulate, hormone imbalances. Dr. Roberts has pursued extensive education beyond traditional medical training in bio-identical hormone therapies, so she is able to carefully individualize treatment to each patient for optimal results.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is safe and effective when the proper testing, protocols, and conjunctive therapies are applied and hormone levels are corrected. BHRT is not HGH (human growth hormone), but rather is a therapy that uses the body’s own natural hormones to correct imbalances that occur during the aging process. These imbalances can be responsible for symptoms associated with sexual desire, weight gain, fatigue, and many other health processes. 

The relationship between hormone deficiencies and health concerns is multi-factorial and requires modalities of treatment in addition to rebalancing hormonal levels. Integrative medical therapies like nutritional supplements help ensure the body’s biochemistry is performing at optimum levels, and these are often used in conjunction with BHRT. Diet, nutrition, and exercise are also prescribed if needed. In combination, these regenerative therapies can optimize health and work toward alleviating symptoms, from sleep to anxiety, chronic fatigue to cognitive issues. These natural nutritional and hormonal replacements allow Dr. Roberts to treat the disorders rather than masking them.

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Too many patients are given hormone therapy without the testing necessary to ensure that they are truly balancing their hormones.  There is a distinct difference between replacing and balancing hormones because under- or overcorrecting hormones may cause other health symptoms and risks, and may not work. In recent years, balancing hormonal levels in men and women has allowed us to understand the important role that hormones play in correcting physical disorders.

Age-Related Hormone Decline

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Hormones decline as we age: in fact, many age-related conditions result from dysregulated glandular activity. Bio-identical hormone therapy uses molecules that are exactly the same as those present in the human body. Dr. Roberts uses bio-identical hormones for her patients because she believes they are the safest treatment.

As men age, testosterone levels fall and estrogen tends to rise. This change affects bone density, muscle strength, body composition, and sex drive. It can also contribute to prostate problems. The testes produce nearly 95% of all male testosterone, which is balanced by the adrenal glands. Two pituitary hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), trigger testosterone production in the testes. Dysfunction in these processes can be corrected with BHRT, but the treatment is not advisable for all men. Dr. Roberts can help you make a decision about BHRT based on your individual medical history.

When a woman reaches menopause, her production of estrogen and progesterone decreases significantly. BHRT can help replace these deficiencies and would usually commence at perimenopause (nearing menopause) or during menopause. As in men, BHRT is not advisable for all women. Dr. Roberts conducts a complete review of your medical history to help you make a decision about whether this treatment could be appropriate for you.

I felt like I was in such a fog that I wasn’t really myself — almost an out of body experience, like I was a third person. I was not well at all, and I experienced extreme fatigue for no particular reason. Dr. Roberts helped me balance my progesterone levels and resolve the fatigue and symptoms of fibromyalgia. Other doctors didn’t recommend progesterone, but it’s one of the pieces of the puzzle that helped me feel like myself again.
— V.G.
I was having fainting spells and I had a “full Mayo clinic” workup in Springfield. Other doctors looked at my adrenal glands and all these other parameters. Finally one of my clients referred me to Dr. Roberts. She did a hormone test and figured out that I had astronomical testosterone levels, so she deduced that I had been absorbing testosterone from my massage clients.
— C.G.

Disclaimer: These testimonials do not represent a guarantee of medical improvement, and results may vary depending on the patient.