Smoking Cessation


Over the counter medications simply replace nicotine. We can prescribe medications that are much more effective to help you quit smoking and achieve your health goals. Dr. Roberts also acts as an ally to motivate you to continue as a non-smoker and avoid relapses. As with any addiction, you need to want to quit smoking to be successful. We look forward to being your teammate in the process, but becoming smoke-free requires a mental decision. 

Throughout our smoking cessation program you will have access to our staff, who will help you each step of the way.  They are trained in supporting you in a variety of ways including answering questions concerning your treatment and giving you the moral support to succeed now and for a lifetime.

Why should I stop smoking?

·       8 hours after you quit smoking the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal and that the oxygen level in your blood increases to normal

·       48 hours after you quit smoking your nerve endings start to regrow, your ability to smell and taste is enhanced, and walking becomes easier

·       2 weeks to 3 months after you quit smoking your circulation improves and lung function increases by 30%

·       1 to 9 months after you quit smoking, coughing and sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease. Cilia regrow in your lungs, increasing their ability to handle mucus, and reduce infection

·       Lastly, after one year of not smoking, your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a person who continues to smoke