Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety and panic attacks are the most common form of anxiety disorders, afflicting an estimated 2.4 million Americans annually. They are twice as common in women as in men. While anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and helps one cope with everyday life, it can become a disabling disorder when it becomes excessive, causing irrational dread of everyday situations.


Anxiety attacks are accompanied by physical effects such as heart palpitations, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or headaches. Physically, the body prepares to deal with what it perceives as a threat. Blood pressure and heart rate are increased, sweating is increased, blood flow to muscle groups increases and immune and digestive system functions are inhibited (the fight or flight response). External signs of anxiety may include pale skin, sweating, trembling.

Panic attacks are sudden surges of overwhelming fear that that come without warning and without any obvious reason. It is far more intense than having anxiety or the “stressed out” feeling that most people experience. One out of every 75 people worldwide will experience panic attacks at one time in their lives.

People who have full-blown, repeated panic attacks can become very disabled by their condition and should seek treatment before they start to avoid places or situations where panic attacks have occurred. Panic attacks are not dangerous by themselves, but they can be terrifying because the person feels crazy and out of control. Panic disorders are also frightening because they may lead to other complications such as phobias, depression, substance abuse or medical complications.

Many medical practitioners are trained to provide prescription or narcotic drugs for anxiety relief, but Dr. Roberts’ additional education allows her to look toward the deeper cause of these attacks.  Depending upon the severity of the problem, there are natural supplements that can be taken for long-lasting relief and are not addictive or habit forming.  There are no withdrawal symptoms associated with these supplements and patients report significant results. Dr. Roberts also prescribes medications if they are necessary to help the patient rediscover well being.

Many women in menopause develop anxiety disorders, some moderate and some severe, which may require a complete hormone panel workup. It is suggested that the neuromodulatory effect of estrogens may contribute to a greater risk of depression and anxiety in women as well as other mood disorders. We can help anxiety issues due to life events, hormone imbalances, and other causes because we offer a multifaceted approach using hormones, supplements, diet, and lifestyle changes.